Home / News / Brass Lantern Inn hosts jazz night

Brass Lantern Inn hosts jazz night

Nov 24, 2023Nov 24, 2023

The Brass Lantern Inn and Firefly Productions bring you ‘Jazz at the Lantern’ a genuine, small jazz club style experience, once a month, in Stowe with the Birdcode Quartet on June 15.

Reserve a table, order charcuterie or bruschetta and a bottle of wine to enjoy the musicians up close, mingle in the Inn's lounges with comfy couches, or relax on the beautiful back deck, and lawns.

Vocalist Amber deLaurentis, instructor of jazz voice and co-director of the Vocal Jazz Ensemble at UVM, is a nationally recognized vocalist, pianist, and songwriter.

Pianist and keyboardist Tom Cleary has appeared on recordings by artists including bassist Mike Gordon (with whom he toured between 2008 and 2014), guitarists Paul Asbell and George Petit, trombonist Rick Davies, flutist Patricia Julien among many others.

Bassist Pat Markley has collaborated with many artists from Vermont and beyond, in a wide variety of performance mediums that include dance, painting, recording/producing and conventional musical performances. Pat is currently performing, recording, and privately teaching in and around the Northeast.

Drummer Caleb Bronz plays and records with a wide variety of groups and artists including Barika, Ray Vega Latin Jazz Sextet, Prydein, Daby Toure, Michael Arnowitt, Mighty Sam McClain, Johnny A, and others in addition to many freelance performances and recording sessions.

A portion of the evening's proceeds from June's ‘Jazz at the Lantern’ to benefit local charities.

Parking at the Inn is limited, so it is suggested to park at the Shaw's next door.

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